Showing 1 - 25 of 134 Results
The Global Workplace: International and Comparative Employment Law Cases and Materials, Seco... by Roger Blanpain, Susan Bisom... ISBN: 9781454815662 List Price: $196.00
Impact of the Internet and New Technologies on the Workplace A Legal Analysis from a Compara... by Colucci, Michele, Blanpain,... ISBN: 9789041118240 List Price: $101.90
Comparative labour law and industrial relations: 3rd edition by Roger Blanpain ISBN: 9789065443168 List Price: $82.50
The Global Workplace: International and Comparative Employment Law - Cases and Materials by Roger Blanpain, Susan Bisom... ISBN: 9780521847858 List Price: $119.00
Labour Relations in the Asia-Pacific Countries by Blanpain, Roger, Aparicio-V... ISBN: 9789041122391 List Price: $90.50
Flexibilisation And Modernisation of the Turkish Labour Market by Blanpain, Roger, Dereli, Toker ISBN: 9789041124906 List Price: $115.00
Ilo and the Social Challenges of the 21st Century The Geneva Lectures by Engels, Chris, Blanpain, Roger ISBN: 9789041115720 List Price: $61.00
Impact of Globalisation on Employment Relations A Comparison of the Automobile and Banking I... by Blanpain, Roger, Lansbury, ... ISBN: 9789041118509 List Price: $104.40
Industrial Conflict Resolution in Market Economies A Study of Canada, Great Britain, and Sweden by Hanami, T. A., Blanpain, Roger ISBN: 9789065443397 List Price: $170.00
Deregulation and Labour Law In Search of a Labour Concept for the 21st Century by Blanpain, Roger ISBN: 9789041113702 List Price: $79.60
Use And Monitoring Of E-mail, Intranet And Internet Facilities At Work Law And Practice by Blanpain, Roger, van Gestel... ISBN: 9789041122667 List Price: $147.50
Process of Industrialization and the Role of Labor Law in Asian Countries Bulletin of Compar... by Blanpain, Roger, Araki, Tak... ISBN: 9789041110473 List Price: $74.00
Employee Rights in Bankruptcy A Comparative-Law Assessment by Blanpain, Roger, Jacobs, A. J. ISBN: 9789041119421 List Price: $72.10
European Labour and Social Security Law, Glossary by Blanpain, Roger, Colucci, M... ISBN: 9789041119056 List Price: $241.80
Collective Bargaining, Discrimination, Social Security and European Integration by Blanpain, Roger, Kluwer Law... ISBN: 9789041120106 List Price: $173.00
Corporate Restructuring and the Role of Labor Law by Blanpain, Roger ISBN: 9789041119490 List Price: $85.00
Hamonization of Working by Blanpain, Roger, Sugeno, K.... ISBN: 9789041100641 List Price: $78.50
Corporate And Employment Perspectives in a Global Business Environment by Blanpain, Roger, Ahmad, Man... ISBN: 9789041125378 List Price: $115.00
Industrial Relations in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises by Blanpain, Roger, Biagi, M. ISBN: 9789065446961 List Price: $143.00
Smoking and the WorkPlace by Blanpain, Roger ISBN: 9789041123251 List Price: $102.00
Regulation of Fixed-Term Employment Contracts : A Comparative Overview by Nakakubo, Blanpain, Roger, ... ISBN: 9789041133564 List Price: $142.00
Rethinking Corporate Governance: From Shareholder Value to Stakeholder Value (Bulletin of Co... by Roger Blanpain, W. Bromwich... ISBN: 9789041134509 List Price: $169.00
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